Having reached almost three quarters of 2017, I thought it was time to pen down the performance of the IH Investment Portfolio (aka my wealth fund). I currently squirrel away 50% of my monthly income, and part of that goes into building up my financial nut (as how Financial Samurai aptly describes his wealth fund).

Performance since Jan 2017

piechart.pngIH Portfolio Ideal Allocation

I strongly believe in risk-taking as long as I’m still below 35 years of age. Hence, my ideal portfolio allocation would be 70% on risk asset classes and 30% on less risky asset classes. To be more specific, I will work towards owning Equities in 70% of my portfolio, 20% in Gold and 10% in Bonds.

The current portfolio at current market valuations (August 2017) consists of 47% in equities, 31% in Gold and 21% in Bonds.


IH Portfolio Ideal Allocation

I will be gradually adding to my Equity Positions quarterly to reach my ideal portfolio allocation, and re-balance once at the end of the year.

Performance of portfolio is currently enjoying gains of 1.71%, versus the gains of S&P 7.37%. I’m not too worried at the moment, because if the S&P rallies further, the higher weightage of equities will cause my portfolio to enjoy further gains, while any dips in the S&P will allow buying opportunities for me.

I’ll do a semi-annual review of the IH portfolio to let everyone stay updated on its performance!